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EU Twinning project

Twinning project SR 14 IPA AG 02 17‘’Strengthening capacities for implementation and further development of the legislative framework in the field of organic production and food quality policy”, financed by the European union, started with the implementation on the 5th February 2018 and it will last 24 months. The overall objective of this project is to support the Serbian administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water management of the Republic of Serbia to strengthen capacities, improve knowledge and to raise awareness in the area of organic production and food quality policy.

Developing organic production and food quality products in Serbia, farmers can sell national products in EU or world market getting premium price value on their products. At least three Serbian GI food products will be ready for registration at the EU level.

All citizens will be able to access public information on Serbian primary production under organic farming scheme and food quality scheme. Importance of both sectors and all advantages for farmers, civil society and stakeholders will be presented through a combination of the workshops, conferences and information-sharing platform.



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